The Yaqui Clinic: Psychedelic Medicines Against Addiction

In response to the methamphetamine addiction epidemic affecting northern Mexico, a group from the Yaqui tribe in Sonora established the Yo’o Joar Intercultural Medicine Clinic to combat dependency on this substance.


Poor Houses, Nobody’s Homes: The Abandonment of Housing in Ciudad Juárez

Palmas del Sol, in Ciudad Juárez, tells yet another story of abandoned homes—stripped of doors and windows, turned into drug dens, safe houses, or sites for dumping bodies. Some, arriving with nothing, moved into these homes, reclaimed them, and now live in them irregularly. No institution has an accurate count of how many families are living in these conditions. As Infonavit moves forward with efforts to recover these properties, the question remains: what will happen to the people currently living in them?


Swamp of Promises: Abandoned Homes in Veracruz

Teachers, industrial workers, and small business owners purchased homes in Colinas de Santa Fe, a housing development in the port of Veracruz and one of hundreds built for Infonavit beneficiaries. The 4,800 homes were constructed far from service networks—tiny houses designed without proper infrastructure, lacking drainage, and a product of mass construction driven by a flawed financing policy.These were homes designed to sell, not to live in—one of the greatest frauds committed against the workers of Veracruz. Unfinished infrastructure projects and millions in debt have been left with no one taking responsibility.